Our ‘Wildwuchs collection’ represents bags made from deerskin. Here you will find flap bags, backpacks, handbags, belt bags & body bags as well as small leather goods. Hand-flattering wallets, key rings and velvety soft cushions are also part of the range. Bags made from deerskin as a constant, inheritable companion.

Through the traditional incorporation of undyed deer or buckskin piping, accents are set and seams are protected. The piping is sewn precisely between the leather skins and gives every bag in our Wild Growth collection an unmistakable design element.

In matching areas of our deerskin bags, the hides are finished with open edges. The exact craftsmanship of the tanner becomes apparent. Through the open-edged processing, the natural color of the back of the leather becomes apparent. The color gets the deerskin through the one-sided brushing of natural dyes.

material combination
We use a distinctive design element in special models of the Wild Growth collection, through the combination of chamois tanned deerskin and olive leaf tanned cowhide.
Our bags are 'Handcrafted in Lüneburg, Germany'. Distinctive design elements and the individual surface structure of each leather hide, gives the products a characteristic look. Deerskin tucks are incorporated in appropriate places, skins are open-edge stitched and materials are combined. Over time, patina develops, the bags age, become more beautiful and adapt to use. The leather itself remains breathable, soft and indestructible. Scars are authenticity features of the leather and tell stories. Find your new companion made of deerskin that will accompany you for a long time.
Patina, probably the most characteristic feature of a good leather. It is unpredictable and develops slowly and steadily. It reflects what you experience with it. In heavily used areas it develops more strongly. Little by little, your bag individualizes itself, becomes an expression of yourself and a very personal companion.